

black navy seal masturbating
This is another interesting unique day of reality outdoor nudity. Putting myself in the shoes of a sailor staying out in the ocean for months or on duty in the navy…difficult job. I guess finding a moment to take your dick out in the nature and milk it is a privilege. Enjoy!

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contractors parking lot masturbation
Here is another day in beautiful California. Going to Pedicure in the morning was refreshing. On the way back passing by a contractor’s parking lot I had the urge to masturbate, so I jumped the fence and did it on the top of a tractor. Then I went for some sight seeing around town. Later in the evening I put my suit and went to a business meeting. The sexual urge was hitting me again, I was getting late for the meeting, probably I should do it in the elevator?…

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Muscular dancing nude contest
Day 9 is all about dancing. I was invited to a nude male dancing contest. I won second place. It was fun dancing and stripping. They let me take some pictures. Check it out.

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